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Presentation Template
Incident Response: Reporting to Management PPT Template
The clear and intuitive tool every security professional needs to have in-hand when communicating to management during an ongoing IR process and its conclusion.
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Presentation Template
Incident Response: Reporting to Management PPT Template
The clear and intuitive tool every security professional needs to have in-hand when communicating to management during an ongoing IR process and its conclusion.
Provide management complete visibility into the incident status and further steps.
IR stages based on the NIST/SANS frameworks.
Mapping of high-level incident description to tangible business implications.
Modular template easily adjustable to any incident type.
Simply download the presentation, add your specific incident data, and it’s ready to use.
Backed by the industry
Outstanding results in 2024 Mitre ATT&CK
100% Detection Visibility
100% Technique-Level Coverage
100% Protection
100% Prevention
Rated #1 based on G2 customers’ reviews
#1 Rated XDR Platform
#1 Rated UEBA Software
Leader in IR Solutions
Leader in EPP Suites
Recommended by 95%
Overall 4.9/5 Rating
Product capabilities 4.8/5 Rating
Ease of deployment 4.8/5 Rating
“We don’t have to worry about that side of our security as much, which is a load off our minds and allows us to do what we need to do to help the firm”